Leading the Charge: Women Scientists Are Rewriting the Future of Lung Cancer! Meet the Precision Pioneers


Meet LCFA's Amazing Researchers

Meet these leading scientists focused on lung cancer research, new treatments, and enhancing the lives of those living with lung cancer.

  • Julie Wu, MD

    Staff Physician, Medical Oncology

    Precision oncology integrating evidence-based models into clinical practice to personalize treatment approaches

  • Aparna Sharma, DM

    Thoracic medical oncologist

    Genomic characterization of young onset lung adenocarcinoma

  • Jonathan Villena-Vargas, MD

    Thoracic Surgeon

    Characterizing T cell PD-1 response in the tumor-draining lymph nodes of early-stage NSCLC patients

  • Jarushka Naidoo, MRCPI

    Clinical/Translational Investigator

    Identifying novel biomarkers of response and toxicity to immunotherapy

  • Triparna Sen, PhD

    Cell and molecular biologist

    Novel therapies for small cell lung cancer (SCLC)

  • Jon Zugazagoitia, MD, PhD

    Thoracic Oncology

    Developing precision immunotherapy strategies to improve outcomes of patients with NSCLC

  • Vincent Lam, MD

    Translational researcher

    Characterize the immune microenvironment in ALK+ lung cancer

  • Adrian Sacher, MD

    Thoracic medical oncologist

    Identify novel biomarkers that identify patients who will not benefit from immunotherapy

  • Ramin Salehi-Rad, MD, PhD

    Pulmonologist/critical care physician

    Studying the effects of a novel lung cancer vaccine that uses modified cells from the patient’s own tumor

  • Jacob Kaufman, Md, PhD

    Medical Oncology

    Understanding how the specific genetic background of each cancer affects their behaviors in patients

  • Daniel J. Spakowicz, PhD

    Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention

    The interplay between gut microbiome and immuno-oncology (IO) therapy responses for lung cancer

  • Haiying Cheng, MD, PhD

    Translational Physician-Scientist

    Understanding of the biology of brain metastases and uncovering novel targets for these dreadful complications